VO2 Max Calculator

This VO2 max calculator will allow you to quickly calculate your VO2 max. Simply change the variables in the boxes to your own personal data and the calculator will automatically update for you. There are three different VO2 max calculators offered on this page. The distance of measure in this test is usually measured in miles as that is the distance that the test was developed at. We have provided the kilometer conversion for the imperial distances.

VO2 Max Calculator - Resting Heart Rate:


With this VO2 Max calculator you are not required to do any form of physical activity. Take your resting heartbeat for 20 seconds and then enter the number of beats that you have recorded in the box below your age. The formula = 15.3 x (MHR/RHR)

VO2 Max Calculator - 1 Mile / 1.609KM Walk

To complete this test you need to walk exactly one mile and record the time. 1 mile is 1.609km, 1,760 yards or 5,280 feet. To lower the risk of injury please make sure you stretch and wear appropriate footwear. Walk the distance as fast as you can without running or jogging. When you have completed the 1 mile course immediately take your pulse over 10 seconds and record the time that it took you to complete the distance. These two pieces of information are required to add into the calculator below.

(minutes.seconds) ie 12.50


VO2 Max Calculator - 1.5 Mile / 1.609KM Run Walk

This test requires you to find a track or location that is 1.5 Mile / 1.609KM in length. The length of the track is very important as the time variable is a key factor in calculating the VO2 max. This test is harder than the 1 Mile Walk test as it requires you to complete the 1.5 miles as fast as possible by either running, jogging or walking. Make sure that you gently stretch your muscles beforehand and pace yourself. If you have any medical conditions that may hinder your ability to do this please consult your Doctor.

(minutes.seconds) ie 12.50

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