This discount calculator will help you calculate the selling price of a good or service. To use the calculator simply enter the listed price and the discount rate, and the tool will calculate the discount in dollars and the new price. An example of this is if we see a sale that has 25% off shoes at the store. We see a pair of shoes that they like with the sticker price being $150, and 25% off. To work out the new price we would put the listed price at $150 and the discount rate at 25%. This would get us a new selling price of $112.50, which is a discount of $37.50. Using the same example if we saw that the shoes has two stickers, one with the listed price of $150 and the sale price at $112.50 we would want to know the discount. In this case, by putting those two values into the tool, we would get a discount rate of 25%.
To Get Selling Price
To Get Discount Rate
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