EBT Calculator

Our EBT (Earnings Before Tax) Calculator is a powerful tool designed to help businesses assess their financial performance by calculating earnings before tax. EBT is a key metric in financial analysis, measuring a company's profitability by accounting for all operating and non-operating expenses except for taxation. Unlike EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Tax) or EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortisation), EBT provides a clear picture of a business’s earnings after deducting all expenses except for tax, making it a crucial indicator for financial planning and decision-making. This calculator allows you to input revenue, cost of goods sold (COGS), and various operating expenses, including rent, utilities, salaries, vehicle costs, and depreciation. It then calculates your gross profit, total operating expenses, and net operating profit before taxes, giving you a clear understanding of how different costs impact your bottom line. By providing an accurate EBT calculation, businesses can better prepare for taxation, evaluate financial health, and make informed strategic decisions. Designed for business owners, accountants, and financial analysts, this tool simplifies complex financial calculations and helps in forecasting profitability. Please note that this calculation does not include GST, and all figures should be entered as GST exclusive. Try the EBT Calculator today to gain valuable insights into your company’s earnings and financial stability.

Earnings Before Tax Calculator



COGS (Cost of Goods Sold)


Gross Profit


Rent / Lease Expense


Supplies / Stationery Expense


Utilities Expense (Electricity, Telecoms, Water, Gas)


Vehicle Expense


Travel and Accomodation Expense


Salary and Wage Expense


Depreciation Expense Amount


Interest Expense Amount


Amortisation Expense (e.g. Good will)


Total Operating Expenses


Net Operating Profit Before Taxes


Taxation Expense Amount


Net Operating Profit After Taxes


EBT (Earnings Before Tax)


NOTE: This calculation does not include GST, all figures should be GST exclusive.

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