Mortgage Comparison Calculator

Current Mortgage Details Property (A)
Market value existing property
Amount owed existing mortgage
Equity in property(s)
Mortgage rate (in percent; i.e. 4.5)
Loan term left in years
Mortgage repayment frequency
Likely real estate commission fee
Proposed Mortgage Details Property (B)
Market value proposed property
Equity to use after current mortgage (A) sale
You will owe on proposed mortgage
Mortgage rate (in percent; i.e. 4.5)
Loan term left in years
Mortgage repayment frequency
Current Mortgage (A) Costs
Cost of mortgage per
Cost of mortgage per year
Total cost of mortgage after years =
Proposed Mortgage (B) Costs
Cost of mortgage per
Cost of mortgage per year
Total cost of mortgage after years =
Situation Specific Summary
Equity in property (A) before sale
Likely real estate fees to sell current property (A)
Equity balance after sale of current property (A)
Equity remaining after purchase of (B)
Net in loan payment owed per
Net in loan payment owed per year
Net in total loan payment owed across both loans